“I am accustomed to seeing the world through images”. 3 scientists, 3 artists, 3 nights at the Eugenidou Foundation.
The purpose of the meetings is to recognize the reality of the socio-political context in which artists work without presenting the artistic works merely as an illustration.
After successfully completing tidal flow art’s project I am accustomed to seeing the world through images at Eugenides Foundation in 10-12-19 and 25 June 2019, a second series of meetings that would be held again at Eugenides Foundation (Athens Planetarium) following the same concept was planned for June 2020. Due to Covid lockdowns and restrictions the event was postponed for 2022.
Three (3) evenings where (3) scientists and (3) artists meet one at a time, and end up in a dialogue with the audience, where the viewer’s interest shifts from understanding the meaning of the artistic work, to the participatory experience itself, to an artistic event shared with others.
The participation of the public is essential to complete the purpose, which is not to simply see the work, but to feel immersed in it.
In present time, images tend to replace not just our verbal communication but also our physical contact with others. There is a common denominator between art and science. Are both a reflection of objective reality? Is there any logical interpretation of artistic creation? Can a scientific theory analyze the work of art?
The above are some of the topics on which art and science, through exhibit practices converse and explore.
At first the public was puzzled, as these actions were very innovative for the audience – watching the arts or sciences respectively. Usually these audiences do not meet very often. But the initial uneasiness turned into enthusiastic participation, with over a hundred and fifty people at each meeting taking part.
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