Καλλιτεχνικά Έργα

Καλλιτεχνικά Έργα

Καλλιτεχνικά Έργα

The World’s Oldest Map of the Stars, Lost for Thousands of Years, Has Been Found in the Pages of a Medieval Parchment, Sarah Cascone, δημοσίευση στο Artnet News [20/10/2022]

The ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus catalogued the coordinates of the stars. Now, his efforts have finally been uncovered. Scholars have discovered part of the ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus’s long-lost star catalogue...

Spotlight: ‘Artist-Alchemist’ Gilles Lorin’s Experiments in the Darkroom Bring Antique Photographic Processes to Light, δημοσίευση στο Artnet News [24/10/2022]

Gilles Lorin, Vanité de l'Archiviste (2018). Courtesy of Kunkel Fine Art, Munich. The photographer's mastery of developing and printing techniques allows for a broad range of artistic expression. Every month, hundreds of...

ERYK SALVAGGIO, cyborg fungi music – sound media for nonhuman intelligence, Piotr Bockowski, δημοσίευση στο CLOT Magazine [24/10/2022]

Testing mushroom growth conditions on an assortment of discarded Chinese radios and tape decks outside of Shanghai.Photo: Claudia Westermann XJTLU Eryk Salvaggio’s most recent album release, Worlding, involves fungi manipulating the knobs of a...

KELLY AKASHI: On eternity, internment, and the memory of touch, Juliana Halpert, δημοσίευση στο ArtForum [17/10/2022]

Kelly Akashi, Cultivator (Hanami), 2021, flame-worked borosilicate glass, bronze, 9 x 10 x 4". “Formations,” Kelly Akashi’s ongoing exhibition at the San Jose Museum of Art, surveys the past eight years of the...

OLIVER RESSLER: How can artists confront the climate crisis? Mike Watson, δημοσίευση στο ArtForum [17/10/2022]

Oliver Ressler, Not Sinking, Swarming, 2019, 4K video, color, sound, 37 minutes. Photo: Oliver Ressler/àngels, Barcelona/The Gallery Apart, Rome. For twenty years, Oliver Ressler has been making videos on topics such...

Embracing Ambiguity with Scarlett Yang, δημοσίευση Art Connect Magazine

Multi-disciplinary designer Scarlett Yang was awarded first prize in our “Material Hybrids” open call, organized in partnership with Modulor. In her practice, she merges biodegradable and digital processes and materials,...

A Conversation with Mareo Rodriguez: Matter is Condensed Light, δημοσίευση Art Connect Magazine

Mareo Rodriguez’s work is filled with the grittiness of natural territory: mountains, rocks, waveforms and lava. His work is inspired by nature, the ever-changing topography of mountains, the condensation of...