Mobilising the intellectual resources of the arts and humanities – Άρθρο της Shannon Vallor (Ada Lovelace Institute)
In this Ada Lovelace Institute blog post ‘The role of the arts and humanities in thinking about artificial intelligence’, John Tasioulas offers an impassioned and eloquent articulation of why AI needs to be aligned not just with human interests (a goal shared by many in the AI research community), but with the humane ideas and visions that have defined our species’ unique aspirations to be good.
The ‘good life’ that Socrates called us to seek is a trope of academic philosophy, but as Tasioulas notes, this aspiration is embedded in a far broader array of humane endeavours, from efforts to draft more just laws, to an artist’s capturing of the many shapes of human struggle, to the science-fiction novelist’s framing of possible worlds where untested futures and forms of life can be explored.
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