Νοέμβριος 2022
The Curatorial Condition, Beatrice von Bismarck, MIT Press [2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-20T08:43:08+02:00An analysis of the relations created by the curatorial—relations that also constitute it. In spite of the heightened interest in the curatorial since the late twentieth century, the structural conditions and...
Shapes of Imagination Calculating in Coleridge’s Magical Realm, George Stiny, MIT Press [2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-20T08:49:47+02:00Visual calculating in shape grammars aligns with art and design, bridging the gap between seeing (Coleridge's “imagination”) and combinatoric play (Coleridge's “fancy”). In Shapes of Imagination, George Stiny runs visual calculating...
War Machines Against the War Machine European Tour with Andrew Culp and Dāna Papachristou,Seminar, Void Theater, Combray [20/11-2/12/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-19T09:53:49+02:00Nov 20-Dec 2: War Machines Against the War Machine European Tour with Andrew Culp and Dāna Papachristou Talks, Film Screenings, and More. ATHENS Nov 20-22, Seminar, Void Theater, Combray BELGRADE Nov 23, TBA BERLIN Nov...
I AM (VR): Ό,τι πιο κοντινό στο metaverse και τον τεχνοσαμανισμό, δημοσίευση στο Olafaq [17/11/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-18T19:59:31+02:00© Markus Selg and Rodrik Biersteker. Courtesy of the artists Ξέρεις ποι@ είσαι; Πού βαδίζεις; Τι ζητάς…; Μην ανησυχείς. Ήρθε η ώρα να λάβεις τον ψηφιακό σου χρησμό. Γιατί το Ι...
The Problem with the ‘Look, I Found Her!’ Trend in Art History, Eliza Goodpasture, δημοσίευση ArtReview [17/11/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-18T00:14:35+02:00Marie Denise Villers, Marie Joséphine Charlotte du Val d'Ognes (1786–1868), 1801, oil on canvas, 161.3 × 128.6 cm For all the covetable coffee-table books about women artists, few offer us anything...
Insight: ‘Datafixation’at Ars Electronica 2022, a humanoid beast facing technocapital, Piotr Bockowski, δημοσίευση στο CLOT Magazine [16/11/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-17T02:48:42+02:00Datafixation, Patryk Lichota (2022). Video Still. A furry digital creature resembling a crossbreed between Yeti, Bulgarian protective spirits Kukeri or fantasy anime demons and a simulation of a prehistoric man is...
OPEN CALL: ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΘΕΡΙΝΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΚΑΒΑΦΗ 2023, Υποβολή αιτήσεων έως [19/12/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-17T01:12:06+02:00OPEN CALL: ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΘΕΡΙΝΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΚΑΒΑΦΗ 2023 Δώδεκα επιστήμονες, έξι ημέρες. Από τις 3 έως τις 8 Ιουλίου 2023, το Διεθνές Θερινό Σχολείο Καβάφη επιστρέφει για πέμπτη χρονιά με θέμα «Ο...