Between Art and AI with Elizabeth Strickler, δημοσίευση TECHVANGART
Then I invested and I saw the boom and bust in 2017 – 2018, but, when people started really embracing the NFT in 2021, I was incredibly excited. It seems to be a solution to digital art ownership and for artists to keep control of their data and get royalties. So I was very invested in this.
But, then I had Bored Ape stolen. And I am sort of as experienced and expert as one can be – because in this space, we are all learning.
But, then I began to see, that this is a very new and wild space, and one must be cautious. So, this happened to me.
And then, also when you see the over-exuberance going on, when you get started and you are very excited, but then you see the whole world get excited, without fully understanding, you start to get a feeling of “oh my goodness, something, something feels wrong”.
So the crypto winter was something that I understand – we had an over-exuberance and it was a correction. And it felt similar to the internet because my career started with helping create web hosting, I was an engineer during that time, and I saw the boom and the bust. It feels similar. But from what happened recently that I am just completely confused is, of course, the FTX fraud – I still consider that we will recover from it.
But the ability to circumvent royalties was another kind of difficulty in the NFT space. And honestly, the thing that’s got me the most perplexed at the moment, is the simple ease of creating digital art with AI.
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