Daan Roosegaarde and the Art of the Future, Agnieszka Cichocka, δημοσίευση DailyArt [15/12/2022]

Where art meets science and technology, where light becomes a new language: Studio Roosegaarde created by renowned artist and innovator Daan Roosegaarde is a social design lab whose aim is to improve people’s daily life in urban environments and fight the climate crisis. Read our interview with Roosegaarde and discover his inspirations, aims, and beliefs.
The projects of the studio include such works as Waterlicht, a virtual flood showing the power of water, Smog Free Project, the world’s first outdoor air purifier which turns smog into jewelry, and Smart Highway—roads that charge throughout the day and glow at night. Others are Space Waste Lab, about visualizing and up-cycling space waste, the world’s first Urban Sun that cleans public spaces of the coronavirus, or, more recently, Seeing Stars, switching off all the city lights to bring back the stars.
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