DALL-E, the A.I. Art App, Is the Breakout Star of a New Show About Dreams at Florida’s Dalí Museum, Jo Lawson-Tancred, δημοσίευση Artnet News [1/12/2022]

This is the year that the AI generator DALL-E took the world by storm with its ability to conjure fantastical visions in seconds with nothing but a written prompt. It seems fitting, therefore, that the application is closing out the year with its institutional debut at the Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida—its name was, after all, partly inspired by the eccentric Spanish painter.
“The Shape of Dreams” is a fresh exploration of a topic that has long fascinated artists, especially Dalí and his fellow Surrealists. The paintings on show trace how dreams have inspired painters for some 500 years, from Italian Baroque artists like Lodovico Carracci and Luca Giordano to 20th century figures such as Max Beckmann, Paul Delvaux, and Frida Kahlo.