Disability Culture So Far: A Movement in Milestones, Emily Watlington, δημοσίευση στο Art in America [14/10/2022]
A culture, a coalition, a community—slowly but surely, those involved in disability arts have been building all three. The process of combatting ableism and advocating access often feels like two steps forward and one step back, but it’s worth zooming out and reflecting on the history we’re still writing, together. Disability, you’ll learn throughout this issue, is everywhere in art history. But in recent years, we’ve been forming a movement born from, and politicizing, webs of interdependence and mutual aid. I asked a handful of my comrades to help me tell the story of disability arts by choosing crucial moments and explaining their impact. What we came up with serves as a kind of timeline, syllabus, and canon all at once, and will be enjoyed, we hope, by readers who want to reminisce, as well as those catching up. It’s nowhere near complete, but still, I think, galvanizing. Look at all we’ve done, and at how much we have left to do. Look at the worlds we’re building and unbuilding, together.
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