Έκθεση: Membranes Out Of Order, Margherita Pevere (IT/DE), Theresa Schubert (DE) and Karolina Żyniewicz (PL/DE), Kunstquartier Bethanien [9/12/2022 — 8/1/2023]

Out Of Order
Kunstquartier Bethanien
Dec 9 2022 — Jan 8 2023
An exhibition project by and with Margherita Pevere, Theresa Schubert, Karolina Żyniewicz & guests
Membranes Out Of Order responds to the current ethical and cultural challenges posed by the interplay of biotechnology and ecology. It focuses on the thought-provoking practice of Berlin-based artists Margherita Pevere, Theresa Schubert and Karolina Żyniewicz and involves international guests. The artists themselves will curate an innovative exhibition concept based on their artworks and research materials that will be presented to the audience for the first time.
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