Electric Sheep: a self-perpetuating system for the production of algorithmic art, Scott Draves, δημοσίευση στο Interalia magazine

Scott Draves is a pioneering software artist best known for creating the Electric Sheep, a collective intelligence consisting of 450,000 computers and people that uses mathematics and genetic algorithms to create an infinite abstract animation.
25 years ago, as a young PhD student, Scott Draves invented an algorithm that uses thousands of parameters and millions of variables to make digital images. The images were in a style that had never been seen before. They had such a high degree of detail that they looked organic, like they could have been seen with a microscope or a telescope. The images made by this algorithm brought to mind many natural phenomena, and yet in spite of that, were made only, and purely, with mathematics and code.
Scott Draves open-sourced this code in 1992, naming it the Fractal Flame algorithm, and subsequently saw the code expanded by the community, user interfaces built around it, and completely reimplemented by others in both commercial and free graphics software packages. This is what happens when open source software goes viral. It is now commonly in use by designers all over the world. You have seen its output on books, on album covers, and in movies and advertisements, even if you have never before heard the name Scott Draves.
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