Insight: ‘Datafixation’at Ars Electronica 2022, a humanoid beast facing technocapital, Piotr Bockowski, δημοσίευση στο CLOT Magazine [16/11/2022]

A furry digital creature resembling a crossbreed between Yeti, Bulgarian protective spirits Kukeri or fantasy anime demons and a simulation of a prehistoric man is viewed from the third perspective prevalent in computer games. The furry creature became a virtual agent of the last Ars Electronica participants. They were invited to explore a vast territory of a VR environment projected over a panoramic, concave screen in front of a controller pad. Conceptualised, programmed, designed and sounded by Patryk Lichota, the Datafixation installation names a portmanteau for database technologies and pathological fixation. The installation effectively becomes a critique of datafication processes, which turn human and nonhuman life into data in an attempt to manipulate life via novel values generated by information tools.
As the furry critter explores a 3D map of a diverse terrain, it passes through a motley patchwork of what looks like corrupt deserts, futuristic urban skylines, rock formations, outerspace abstractions, unspecified vegetation sites, monstrous monuments of a totalitarian regime juxtaposed with an oversized bedroom of e-sports gamer, located alongside metropolitan slums as well as mysterious dumpsites – all of it vividly accentuated against a synthetic red background.
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