Insight: ‘Futures Past’, an immersive & interactive journey at arebyte Gallery in London, Ania Mokrzycka, δημοσίευση CLOT Magazine [8/12/2022]

Operating within the register of science fiction in imagining alternative versions of the future and, in doing so, creating a possibility of effectuating otherwise unimaginable changes outside of the realm of fiction seems hardly far out in a reality that is increasingly difficult to make sense of with more traditional tools. While the previous programme [Realities programme] at arebyte delved into the complexities of our experience and perception of the present, the current Sci-Fi programme questions these established tools and methodologies, exploring non-linear and circular time, testing new technologies and speculating on concepts such as cyborgian prosthetics, performativity within identity and digital terraforming. The programme also considers perspectives of new technologies that sit at the borders of speculation (such as quantum computing) and non-linear and circular time, which question what we already know in a more logical sense. So says the curator of the programme, Rebecca Edwards.
As a part of the Sci-Fi programme, arebyte Gallery presents Futures Past; a group show that looks at fictioning and alternative futures through a series of exhibitions, live performances, online experiences and educational activities. The exhibition transforms the gallery into an undefined archaeological dig site. The main path and smaller walkways invite audiences to discover scattered fragments of media and objects among stone and metal rubble. I was reflecting on how we collectively think about the future. What feels inevitable, what we might ideate on being next, and what we hope for, and how all of this feels incongruent with the non-linear way artists research, make and talk about their work. So explains Rebecca Edwards when asked how she conceived and created this speculative landscape.
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