London Museum Axes 15-Year-Old “Racist” Exhibition, Billy Anania, δημοσίευση στο Hyperallergic [6/12/2022]

The Wellcome Collection closed the long-term exhibition Medicine Man for concerns of “racism, sexism, and ableism.”
A British medical history museum has permanently closed one of its foundational exhibitions, citing its promotion of “racist, sexist, and ableist theories and language.”
On Friday, November 25, the Wellcome Collection in London announced that the long-term exhibition Medicine Man would close after 15 years on view. Curated from the collection of its founder, US pharmaceutical mogul Sir Henry Wellcome, the show portrayed Wellcome’s interest in medical science through historical artworks and artifacts dating back to the 17th century.
In a Twitter thread, Wellcome Collection staff claimed that the items on display reflected an “outdated” worldview that excluded female, nonwhite, Indigenous, and disabled perspectives.
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