Νοέμβριος 2022
Τα θέματα της εκκαθάρισης και της αδειοδότησης δικαιωμάτων του πολιτιστικού περιεχομένου σε διαδικτυακή εκδήλωση του ΕΚΤ [21/11/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-12-22T13:43:48+02:00Το σεμινάριο προσέφερε μία σύντομη εισαγωγή στο πολυσύνθετο πεδίο της Πνευματικής Ιδιοκτησίας και στις διαδικασίες επιλογής μίας κατάλληλης τυποποιημένης άδειας χρήσης για τη διαδικτυακή διάθεση του περιεχομένου. Με το “δύσκολο” ζήτημα...
Fastwalkers (probably) the first AI-created comic book [2021]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-22T10:15:18+02:00Fastwalkers (2021) is (probably) the first AI-created comic book. "Fastwalkers", initially presented in its digital version at @ZERO ONE in Jerusalem (November 2021) is now also available in print in Belgium,...
Bio-Art and the Environment: Complexity within Interconnectedness, Amine Elgheryeni, Cambridge Scholars Publishing [2021]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-22T14:36:46+02:00Thanks to the ICT economy, today's world is witnessing a gradual process of transfer and displacement from a society based on the production of man-made material goods to a new...
Call for applications: Symbiosis International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Deadline: [9/12/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-21T18:24:20+02:00Call for applications: Symbiosis Application deadline: December 9, 2022 ISEA2023 SYMBIOSIS: May 16–21,Forum des images, Paris Facebook / Instagram ISEA2023 SYMBIOSIS will be hosted in Paris, France. The Symposium dates are May 16–21, 2023. Call for...
Performing Mixed Reality, Steve Benford και Gabriella Giannachi, MIT Press [2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-21T12:26:14+02:00A computer scientist and a performance and new media theorist define and document the emerging field of mixed reality performance. Working at the cutting edge of live performance, an emerging generation...
Artistic Ecologies New Compasses and Tools, Emily Pethick, Pablo Martínez και How & for Whom/WHW What επιμ., MIT Press [2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-21T12:22:49+02:00An inquiry into the current ways of knowing, their ramifications, and institutional and noninstitutional artistic practices that provide channels for education from below. Artistic Ecologies: New Compasses and Tools aims to...
New Tendencies Art at the Threshold of the Information Revolution (1961–1978), Armin Medosch, Leonardo [2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-20T08:44:42+02:00An account of a major international art movement originating in the former Yugoslavia in the 1960s, which anticipated key aspects of information aesthetics. New Tendencies, a nonaligned modernist art movement, emerged...
Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing, and Criticism, Lauren Fournier, MIT Press [2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-20T08:44:01+02:00Autotheory—the commingling of theory and philosophy with autobiography—as a mode of critical artistic practice indebted to feminist writing and activism. In the 2010s, the term “autotheory” began to trend in literary...