Νοέμβριος 2022
TINY MINING, A HANDBOOK FOR INTERNAL EXTRACTION, Aaron Parkhurst, Ines Tomasek και Agnieszka Anna Wołodźko, Martin Howse, [2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-17T01:10:55+02:00Tiny Mining [TM] is the first open source mineral exploration co-operative and resource specialist committed to the potential exploitation of the interior of the living human body for rare earth...
COMPOSING INTERACTIONS, Marije Baalman, [2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-16T13:36:43+02:00Interactive technologies have become a part of many different artistic practices. Nowadays artists make use of sensors, electronic circuits, computation, and algorithms to create engaging aesthetic experiences. Composing Interactions brings together aesthetic...
ART AND COMPUTATION, Miguel Carvalhais, [2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-16T13:32:37+02:00What is computational art? How does it involve us in unprecedented aesthetic relationships, making us part of works and even transforming them? This book looks at how computation causes an...
CHEAPART 2022 | Desire for Art, Τελευταία ημέρα αιτήσεων [23/11/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-16T13:23:06+02:0011 - 23.12.2022 Η CHEAPART στο Μουσείο Σε νέο κτίριο στο Μουσείο Εγκαίνια: Κυριακή, 11 Δεκεμβρίου, 2022 Διάρκεια: 11 - 23 Δεκεμβρίου, 2022 * ΥΠΟΒΟΛΗ ΑΙΤΗΣΕΩΝ: μέχρι 23 Νοεμβρίου, 2022 Ρεθύμνου 2 & Βασιλέως Ηρακλείου, Αθήνα 106 82 /...
Leonardo journal invites abstract submissions to a peer-reviewed special issue titled, “CripTech and the Art of Access”, Deadline: [5/12/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-16T11:26:37+02:00DEADLINE EXTENDED: 5 DECEMBER 2022 - APPLY NOW! Leonardo journal invites abstract submissions to a peer-reviewed special issue titled, “CripTech and the Art of Access” dedicated to exploring the intersection...
EXHIBITION: BECOMING GEOLOGICAL, v.2_ nl, [25/11/2022-8/1/2023]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-15T16:35:41+02:00
Becoming Geological: The Exhibition
Humankind has always been dirty and harshly geological, through intentional incorporation of earthly and thus cosmic elements (as part of medicinal or spiritual practices), and within a...REALITIES IN TRANSITION: OPEN CALL FOR XR ARTISTIC PROJECTS, DEADLINE [1/12/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-15T16:20:01+02:00Realities in Transition is calling for creative XR projects that reimagine and expand the notions of XR while following a critical, reflective line of thought and promoting a common, open,...
Γλαύκη Γκότση, Βλέμματα γυναικών στην τέχνη (1850-1900), Νησίδες, Θεσσαλονίκη 2022
Marilena Pateraki2022-11-15T16:46:26+02:00Γλαύκη Γκότση, Βλέμματα γυναικών στην τέχνη (1850-1900), Νησίδες, Θεσσαλονίκη 2022