Ryan Kuo Discusses Race as Technology with Media Scholar Wendy Chun, δημοσίευση στο Art in America [3/9/2019]

On July 16, new media artist Ryan Kuo and media scholar Wendy Hui Kyong Chun met at the Art in America offices. Kuo’s interactive, computer-based software artworks investigate whiteness: OK. (2018-2019), for instance, gathers user input through dialogue boxes to algorithmically generate monologues typical of a white speaker. A sample output reads, “And also my rightful claim on this document which authorizes an accurate description of my rightful claim on anyone.” Kuo’s Family Maker (2017-18) software navigates family dynamics, and The Way I See It (2017) is a real-time computer-generated game that doesn’t take user input. Kuo probes software’s limited or nonexistent input options, which he compares to trying to assert one’s agency as a person of color in a racist society. Below, the two discuss his works in light of Chun’s research framing race as technology.
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