Symposium: ‘Dis/Assembly of Performative Things’, performance as a strategy

The Dis/Assembly of Performative Things is dedicated to performance as a strategy for designers to question their discipline, the contexts it operates in as well as the realities it produces. The program presents designerly ways of working and thinking with and through the body that shed light on the performativity of things. Thereby, they question the re/enforcement of discriminatory (gender) norms and exploitative structures through design.
Curated by Leoni Fischer, the Dis/Assembly of Performative Things interdisciplinary symposium seeks to discuss the potential of performance as a strategy in design from an intersectional-feminist perspective. This also raises questions about design’s ethical responsibility in today’s pressing societal challenges. Design permeates our lives, from the products we consume to the technologies we use, to the infrastructures in which we navigate. But how do objects and their use “design back” our behaviours and identities? How can the body become the site of critical design interrogation from an intersectional-feminist perspective? And what can designers learn from the performing arts? These questions are at the centre of the Dis/Assembly. The performances, lectures and workshops of the symposium offer practitioners and theorists a stage for exploration and a space for exchange. In search of connecting lines to performance art, the symposium aims at contributing to a transdisciplinary and intersectional history of performance production.
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