Talk: ‘Can the Medium Fit the Message?’ with ART TAIPEI [22/10/2022, 16:00-17:30 CST; 09:00-10:30 BST]

Please join us for an online talk organised in partnership with ART TAIPEI 2022. Bocheng Shen, curator of ART TAIPEI 2022 special exhibition ‘Artificial, Evolution and Sustainable Future’, artist Michael Wang, and Helen Turner, founding member of Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin, will ask: can the medium fit the message? As issues relating to ecology and the environment take on an ever more prominent role in artworks and artworld discourse, there often remains a separation between preaching and practice. How can art and its institutions be more responsible? Will a greener artworld be a leaner artworld? Will the global circulation of art slow? And, alongside the rise of digital art, will the changing materiality of artmaking reinforce old destructive practices, or lead to lasting change?
Venue: Livestream at ARTTAIPEI Art Lecture sector and via Art Taipei Facebook Live
Date: Saturday 22 October 2022
Time: 16:00-17:30 CST; 09:00-10:30 BST
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