The Animalier’s Paradox: Rosa Bonheur at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, Emily Watlington, δημοσίευση στο Art in America [17/10/2022]

It is tempting to exalt Rosa Bonheur as a proto-ecofeminist icon. In the 19th century, the French painter blazed trails for women in the arts. Bonheur was the first of our gender to win both the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor and the gold medal at the Paris Exposition Universelle. A leading animalier, she received a special cross-dressing permit (since the practice was illegal), ostensibly to observe certain scenes—horse fairs, slaughterhouses—where a woman’s presence might have caused a stir. All this she did while advancing the still unfashionable cause of framing animals as themselves worthy subjects for fine art. A committed realist, she did not present animals as metaphors or status symbols, nor as characters in fables or allegories. She rendered them as they are, rather than subsuming them into human narratives.