The Grainy Textures & Dreamy Atmospheres of Contemporary Impressionist Photography, Shira Wolfe, δημοσίευση Artland Magazine [2022]

Impressionist photography is a term used to describe the work of photographers who evoke the pictorial vision of Impressionism and turn it into photography using their camera almost as a paintbrush, while also calling to mind the mysterious, dreamlike qualities that lie beneath the surface of this world. Their work departs from realism in the sense that they show us a world that could be, a world that we may dream of experiencing, a world that speaks the language of the subconscious.
Impressionist Photography of Today
Explore our selection of contemporary artists creating mesmerizing impressionist photography characterized by blurry or grainy poetic images filled with emotion and style, often playing with movement and the changing qualities of light.
“When I started photographing, I was told that photography was dead and that I was really foolish to involve myself in it. I thought, ‘It can’t be dead, because I’m alive.’ Photography has made my life a most extraordinary one.”
Sheila Metzner
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