Καλλιτέχνες εναντίον μηχανών; Περικλής Κουλιφέτης, δημοσίευση efsyn [13/2/2023]
Marilena Pateraki2023-02-13T07:54:21+02:00
Οι καλλιτέχνες, σε αντίθεση με τον Θεό προς τον Αδάμ, υψώνουν κωλοδάχτυλο στις ΤΝ, σατιρίζοντας την ανικανότητα των προγραμμάτων να ζωγραφίσουν σωστά δάχτυλα. Από την εικονογράφο Veronika Kozlova Η ραγδαία εμφάνιση...
‘If a Tree Falls in a Forest’, Katažyna Jankovska, δημοσίευση στο CLOT Magazine [9/2/2023]
Marilena Pateraki2023-02-11T07:49:25+02:00
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Commonly associated with the absence of the human receiver to...
Out now: Automated Landscapes, Het Nieuwe Instituut [2023]
Marilena Pateraki2023-02-10T12:45:18+02:00
The possibility of automating human labour has captured society’s imagination for centuries, yet its implementation only became a pervasive reality in the early 21st century. Today, automation has the power...
Is Making Art a Way of Telling People to Go Away Forever? Nicole Miller, δημοσίευση στο Hyperallergic [7/2/2023]
Marilena Pateraki2023-02-08T13:03:44+02:00
Chelsea Martin, Tell Me I’m an Artist, Soft Skull Press, 2022 The narrator of Chelsea Martin’s debut novel Tell Me I’m an Artist is a main character with a minor-character complex. An art...
Internet_Art: From the Birth of the Web to the Rise of NFTs, Omar Kholeif, Phaidon [2023]
Marilena Pateraki2023-02-07T12:17:36+02:00
A leading figure in the world of networked culture explores the artists and events that defined the mass medium of our time Since 1989, the year the World Wide Web was...
Between Art and AI with Elizabeth Strickler, δημοσίευση TECHVANGART
Marilena Pateraki2023-02-07T11:45:18+02:00
NFTs, AI, XR, Blockchain, web3, Metaverse. It seems that the art space is constantly overwhelmed with novelties, and it is transforming constantly. So, we decided to talk about all these...
Bringing a human touch to digital innovation in Europe: The artist in the science lab, Maya Jaggi, δημοσίευση Le Monde diplomatique [1/2023]
Marilena Pateraki2023-02-07T13:12:04+02:00
Egor Kraft’s ‘Content Aware Studies’ series uses AI-generated videos and 3D printing to explore how machine learning reconstructs damaged antiquitiesTrevor Good, courtesy of the artist and Alexander Levy Gallery, Berlin When climate...
Amalia Mesa-Bains Archaeology of Memory, Laura E. Pérez and Maria Esther Fernández, University of California Press [2023]
Marilena Pateraki2023-02-05T07:57:38+02:00
This first major retrospective of Amalia Mesa-Bains unearths her significant contributions to Chicanx/Latinx art and feminism. Best known for her pioneering altar installations, Amalia Mesa-Bains is one of the most innovative...