OLIVER RESSLER: How can artists confront the climate crisis? Mike Watson, δημοσίευση στο ArtForum [17/10/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-10-24T17:40:45+03:00
Oliver Ressler, Not Sinking, Swarming, 2019, 4K video, color, sound, 37 minutes. Photo: Oliver Ressler/àngels, Barcelona/The Gallery Apart, Rome. For twenty years, Oliver Ressler has been making videos on topics such...
The Lasting Appeal of Wittgenstein’s “Picture Theory”, Mark Scroggins, δημοσίευση στο Hyperallergic [19/10/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-10-23T11:59:15+03:00
The "Wittgenstein Monument" in Skjolden, Norway, erected near the philosopher's hut in 2018 by artists Sebastian Kjølaas, Marianne Bredesen, and Siri Hjorth. (via Wikimedia Commons) If Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus radically redefines the...
The Plant-Human Hybrid Is the Cyborg of Our Moment, Yota Batsaki, δημοσίευση στο Hyperallergic
Marilena Pateraki2022-10-23T11:30:03+03:00
Hugh Hayden, "Nude" (2021) (photo by Zachary Balber, courtesy CLEARING) Plants are invading the space of humans in art, at a time when human activity is invading every corner of nature. Artist...
The Hartwig Art Foundation and the Rijksakademie Announce Collaboration in Examining Arts in the Metaverse, Eli Anapur, δημοσίευση στο Widewalls [20/10/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-10-23T11:16:20+03:00
Deborah Mora for Memory Gems, 2022 The metaverse has captured the collective imagination in the 21st century. From a space for new forms of participation and artistic production to being the virtual...
Why Be Normal?: Disability & Design Now, Aimi Hamraie, δημοσίευση στο Art in America [17/10/2022]
Marilena Pateraki2022-10-19T14:17:31+03:00
Val H. and Sky Cubacub modeling swimwear for Rebirth Garments.PHOTO COLECTIVO MULTIPOLAR What is design? Is it a professional pursuit, confined to specialties such as product design, graphic design, user-experience design,...
Art Initiatives Working Towards a Sustainable Future, δημοσίευση στο ArtConnect
Marilena Pateraki2022-10-19T14:16:14+03:00
Overview of the online resource exchange platform Future Materials Bank, image by Jaap Knevel We spoke to Yasmine Ostendorf, founder of Green Art Lab Alliance, about working towards a reduced environmental...
Practicing Art/Science Experiments in an Emerging Field, Philippe Sormani, Guelfo Carbone και Priska Gisler επιμ., Routledge [2020]
Marilena Pateraki2022-10-18T11:46:18+03:00
Over the last two decades, multiple initiatives of transdisciplinary collaboration across art, science, and technology have seen the light of day. Why, by whom, and under what circumstances are such...
Τέχνη – Ιστορία και Θεωρία, Alfred Gell: Τέχνη και δράση, Μια ανθρωπολογική θεωρία, ΜΙΕΤ [2021]
Marilena Pateraki2022-10-18T11:39:40+03:00
Τι κρύβεται πίσω από τη σαγηνευτική δύναμη της τέχνης; Ο Άλφρεντ Τζελ προτείνει μια θεωρία που αποκλίνει ριζικά από προηγούμενες ερμηνείες. Υποστηρίζει ότι οι αισθητικές θεωρίες υιοθετούν μια εξαιρετικά παθητική...